Bibliography   Index


Representational programming

Representational programming and visual representational structures using sorts

  • R. Stouffs and W.-T. Chang, 2010, Representational programming for design analysis, Computing in Civil and Building Engineering: Proceedings of the International Conference (icccbe2010) (ed. W. Tizani), Nottingham University, UK, 8pp. [pdf 889KB]
  • R. Stouffs and M. Cumming, 2003, Querying design information through visual manipulation of representational structures, Digital Design: Research and Practice (eds. M-L. Chiu, J-Y. Tsou, T. Kvan, M. Morozumi and T-S. Jeng), Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 41-51. [pdf 197KB]
  • R. Stouffs and M. Cumming, 2002, Visualizing representational structures for improving data conceptualization, eCAADe 20 [design e-ducation] Connecting the Real and the Virtual (eds. K. Koszewski and S. Wrona), eCAADe and Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, 328-332. [pdf 60KB]


Comparing representations

Comparing and mapping sortal structures and solid representations

  • R. Stouffs, R. Krishnamurti and M. Cumming, 2004, Mapping design information by manipulating representational structures, Generative CAD Systems (eds. O. Akin, R. Krishnamurti and K.P. Lam), School of Architecture, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Penn., 387-400. [pdf 260KB]
  • R. Stouffs and R. Krishnamurti, 1998, An algebraic approach to comparing representations, Mathematics & Design 98 (ed. J. Barallo), The University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain, 105-114. [pdf 88KB]
  • R. Stouffs, R. Krishnamurti and C.M. Eastman, 1996, A formal structure for nonequivalent solid representations, Proceedings of IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Knowledge Intensive CAD II (eds. S. Finger, M. Mäntylä and T. Tomiyama), International Federation for Information Processing, Working Group 5.2, 269-289. [pdf 76KB]
  • R. Stouffs, R. Krishnamurti, 1995, C. Eastman and H. Assal, Non-"standard" solid representations, Preprints of CAAD Futures, International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design, Singapore, 24-26 September 1995. [pdf 68KB]

Last update: 7 July 2012, webmaster @